
Service request priority matrix
Service request priority matrix

Less important incident then has set corresponding target time and staff is not forced to work extraordinary shifts to resolve it. This time reflects incident seriousness and need for service availability and sets a corresponding target time. Based on affected service and maximal time for solving target resolution time is determined.Įxample: If the service is guaranteed only from 8:00 to 17:00 and an incident with priority and time for solving 8 hours is identified at 16:00, the target resolution time is set to the next day 15:00. E.g. a critical incident then has to be immediately confirmed for take over for solving and target resolution time is 1 hour.Įach incident is at the time of its creation classified from the perspective of impact and urgency and based on these values priority is calculated. There is a Target response time and Target resolution time of the incident corresponding to each priority.

service request priority matrix

Priority matrix is defined, that sets Priority for particular combinations of impact and urgency.Įxample of an incident management priority matrix: Impact Urgency represents rate of need to solve the situation from the perspective of tendency to increase incident impact (impact may spread when incident is not solved), not changing impact extent or on the contrary tendency of a spontaneous impact fade out. During implementation of the process, particular levels of impact are described from the viewpoint of the given organization. Impact represents how much business is affected - from the perspective of number of users or customers (from individuals, over a group to large numbers), financial loss or organization reputation. Key incident attributies are its Impact and Urgency. Impact, urgency, priority and target resolution time Incident is created at the time when such a situation is identified. It represents an interruption or deterioration of a service. Incident is a fundamental entity of Incident and Problem managemet processes.

service request priority matrix

Below text contains basic principles of these processes in ObjectGears, reflecting best practise described in ITIL v3 - Service Operation.

Service request priority matrix